Our Love Story | How We Met


We love hearing about the unique details that bring people together. This is our love story of how we met and turned a friendship into an endless adventure together.


I graduated college with my nursing degree and had always thought California would be a glamorous place to start my nursing career. I had just started working in a trauma emergency room when a tall, dark and long-haired surfer looking guy showed up in the night shift huddle. As was our Christian hospital custom, we all held hands and took prayer requests for the night. Colin was standing next to me, so we ended up holding hands on the first night we’d ever laid eyes on each other. No real mental breakthroughs at that moment. He looked fairly young, and I assumed he was some hot shot traveler since he appeared out of no where and seemed to know his place around the department better than I did.


The first time I saw Jenn she was crossing the street in front of my car. It was my first day at Loma Linda University Medical center and only my second assignment as a travel nurse. I was pretty recently single and had lofty goals to travel all over the country as a nurse and see all the lands!

Little did I know that this long legged beauty crossing in front of me was going to be working in the ER with me and that we would very romantically hold hands that night and spark an instant connection that would blossom into a beautiful relationship. 


My path barely crossed Colin’s for a while. Then one day, we were assigned rooms next to one another and we ended up joking around / flirting all night. He was so funny! His whole demeanor made me giddy. Too bad he wasn’t my type.. So I decided I wanted him to date one of my friends whose “type” he met. I wanted him around. He was too fun not to have around. He always looked like he was floating around the department, joking around with everyone. The ER staff called him Aladdin. 


Apparently I had misinterpreted the initial hand holding experience during our group prayer that first night we met. The ER at LLUMC was large and spread out and after that encounter I didn’t see her for the rest of that shift and didn’t even see her for another month. 

Finally after many moons had passed, we were stationed in the back “surge” zone together. For some reason, the ER staff had all these Disney nicknames for each other, and hers was Jasmine. And I was definitely under her spell. I remember being very excited that night we finally worked together and felt like I had some of my best material. From what I could tell I had her! Again, I didn’t know it at the time, but I was mistaken once more, however I was hooked and I was determined to make this lady all mine!

I began as any millennial would, (although I hate that title and deny that I am one) with a cross referencing search of Myspace (still a thing at that time), Instagram, and Facebook. It sounds creepy but I swear it’s romantic and I collected some good data.


We casually started hanging out when Colin offhandedly mentioned he surfed. I was trying to learn, so immediately thought I could use him to teach me! We set up a friend date to hang out and I drove out to the beach for our first “official” time out of the ER together: hike in Malibu and sunset surf at El Porto. I had my camera, as always, so I have photos from that first day and surfing together, which is so cool to me now. 

It was all smooth sailing until Colin professed his like for me after getting a little too tipsy. I was adamant about how our friendship was nothing more, and I wasn’t looking for anything serious. But he showed up with Taco Bell and packing boxes and insisted on helping me with my apartment move, even after he had just worked a night shift. So he basically already knew his way to my heart. Even though I had just told him I didn’t like him in any special way, his thoughtfulness and odd persistence to spend time with me was slowly melting my heart.


There was nothing offhanded about my mentioning surfing. I had done my research and knew that as soon as I had my chance I would make my move. Jenn and I were in a trauma class and I “randomly” ended up sitting next to her. During our break we got to talking and I mentioned that I would be heading home to Playa del Rey (referred to as PDR from here on out), for the weekend and I would be surfing. Of course I had seen surf photos on her IG so I knew that would spark some interest and it did!

We had our first date, I don’t care what she says, it was a date, on September 25. I had a hike in Malibu that I decided would be my test for any girl I considered dating. If she could make it through this date without whining or needing too much help, then she would be a wonderful partner. She passed that with flying colors and even charged right into the water when we went surfing later that evening. From there we began hanging out (dating) regularly and she’ll say we were just friends, but she knew exactly what she was doing. 

Then there was something about a slightly tipsy confession and so on…. Not relevant if you ask me, except that now she knew exactly how I felt and so going forward when we hung out she KNEW what she was doing, and so did I!!


Things ended up moving really quickly, because we had all the same interests and our personalities go together like peanut butter and jelly. I kept telling myself we were just friends, but I loved being with him more than anyone else. He was also sporting a homeless look, which he’ll tell you was hipster and completely in style. Previously I was only into clean cut guys and he just wasn’t cutting it. One day he agreed to let me cut off his long curls in exchange for me making the long drive out to the beach to hang out again. I’ve cut hair before, but it was by far my worst haircut. I can’t believe how he played it off. We ended up laughing so much. He even let me cut it again later with the same hilarious results. I knew he must really like me to let me butcher his “look” just to spend time with me. His short hair cleaned up look immediately grew on me though. I was already in love with his personality and knew I was done for. 

We lined up all our shifts to work the same days, and did everything together outside of work too. Our first trip together was only a few weeks later to Napa Wine Country and we ended becoming official and exchanging the previously very scary “I Love You’s” at the same time. Hahah! Honestly, we have been completely inseparable ever since. 


Shortly after the alleged, “drunk incident”, I made things up to her with some “acts of service” (Five Languages of Love) and now I really had her. I blew off all my friends from here on and spent every moment I could with her. 

Apparently she hadn’t liked my long hair and very rugged (spotty) beard that I had given up on shaving because hey, I was single. In an effort to get her to come visit I agreed to let her cut my hair. The haircut was absolutely terrible! I looked like a 1492 explorer discovering America!

I wore that haircut for a few days before Jenn “fixed” my hair with another awful haircut. From there I sought out the help of a professional but ultimately the short hair did the trick for her and she was finally able to give into the feelings I knew she had all along.  

We kissed, we laughed, we danced, said I love you a couple weeks later and after 8 months we were engaged to be married.


I always heard people quoting “when you know you know”’ and I hated that saying. I had dated a few guys and at times felt like maybe those relationships were going somewhere. But there was always that gut feeling of impending doom. That saying finally makes sense. And it's corny as hell, so I do hate it a little.  But all the heartache and crazy mess I made of things were worth it. Because I was right where I needed to be to fall for this handsome guy that “wasn’t my type”. I never would have imagined the life I live now. And it’s all thanks to that goofy fool who insisted we were perfect together. I’ll always love him for that.


We got married on June 13, 2016, and it truly was the best decision I ever made and the happiest day of my life. We had a wonderful wedding at The 1909 in Topanga, CA, and then to Jenn’s surprise took off to Europe for our honeymoon. The trip was wonderful and we began our days of travel and debt accrual that has led us to where we are now - ballin’ on a budget. Every moment has been an adventure with Jenn. It’s not always easy, it’s not always perfect, but it’s always worth it and like I tell her regularly, I would marry her every single day if I could!

To all my guys in the friend zone, never give up! Persistence pays off. Like Winston says in New Girl, “Be there!!”

Hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little better! We’d love to hear your love story too.


First Date

Malibu Creek State Park : Colin’s “Test” Hike

Malibu Creek State Park : Colin’s “Test” Hike

PersonalJenn Ashley