The Art of Crafting "Unforgettable" Summer Memories: The Annual Trip Tradition

Ah, summer – that glorious time of year when we're all obligated to create picture-perfect memories with our kids that they'll cherish forever. No pressure. And what better way to do it than with those annual trips that you (and they) can look forward to (or dread) all year.  This year, as with all our summers now, we headed to Northern Wisconsin to spend a few nice long weeks with family on the lake. Except we picked the 3 consecutive weeks where there were storms or cool weather nearly every day. So this year’s annual “lake trip” turned into almost no time on the lake.

Tradition, Schmadition:

I mean who needs predictable routines anyway? Just when you’ve reaally settled into a good workout routine and gotten into a groove expecting your summer bod to show up any moment, hey- summer is here!  Annual summer trips being the pinnacle of spontaneity – as long as you plan them a year in advance, are just the thing we needed in our incredibly unpredictable life. We attempted to take out the thrill of last-minute decisions, and lean into the joy of counting down the days on our calendar only to have the entire trip turn out completely different than we planned. Now THAT is fun.

Learning or Surviving? You Decide:

Traveling with kids is like sending them to a crash course in life. They'll learn about patience, endurance, and the art of Googling "nearest restroom", “restaurants open now”. It's character-building. . However facing unexpected obstacles on vacation isn't character-building; it's more like character-testing. Leaving late? Rainstorms every single day you’re camping on the lake? Mosquito bites that cover your entire face? Sitting through a 3 hour rodeo with a toddler who was enthralled for about 15 minutes? We’re effectively raising the next generation who will be ready for anything – except maybe another family trip.

Sanity Tests by Way of “Special Bonding”

Being stuck together for days on end in a truck/trailer for our longest road trip to date has been a fantastic way to gauge the strength of our family bonds. Our 35 + hour drive from California to Northern Wisconsin was one such test. Will we emerge as a tighter-knit unit or a couple who can't agree on where to eat or where to go next? Tough to say, tough to say. We’re still about 10 days out from our full circle road trip.

Memories That Last a Lifetime, or Until Next Summer:

Let's be real – most of these "unforgettable" memories will be forgotten faster than you can say "back-to-school sale." But hey, at least you tried, right? I wonder how long the cool afternoons on the lake, the camping days that were rained out, the late night rodeo with the cousins, the campfire and ice cream dates will stick around in my little one’s memory. I’ve already forgotten half the things we did and we’re two weeks out from it.

Passing Down Values or Secretly Hoping for Cell Signal:

Teaching your kids values during these trips is admirable, but let's not kid ourselves – the real value here is finding a signal strong enough for an Instagram update on how aesthetic your summer really was. 

All sarcasm aside,  annual summer trips with kids are a hilarious roller coaster of chaos, learning, and "bonding." Whether they remember it all or not, one thing's for sure: you'll have stories to tell for years to come.

Jenn Ashley